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skit w ordynkach

Skit in Odrynki. Orthodox hermitage

Among the meadows constituting the backwaters of the Narew River, set in nature, as if it was an old 16th century stronghold, there is a hermitage, called skit – Skit in Ordynki, founded in 2009 by Father Gabriel. There is a long, 800-meter wooden gangway leading to the monks’ settlement.

A picturesque walk leads to a place that warmly welcomes every guest. Nobody here asks about your faith or your reason for coming.

You can either listen to stories about icons in the local church, or sit on a bench and enjoy the peace, or watch the monks bustle and arrange plants and herbs, or go with support.

Father Gabriel died in 2018, but his life story arouses many emotions and is worth paying attention to.

Father Gabriel was once the superior of the monastery in Suprasl. His love for the land of Podlasie caused him to refuse the position of bishop in the distant lands of Przemysl and Nowy Sacz and settled in Ordynki, in the wilderness. His home was only a barracks car. Without electricity, without running water, far from civilization, only with the support of the local community, he built a wooden church, a house for monks and utility rooms. Father Gabriel kept bees, treated herbs, and with open arms welcomed anyone who wanted to rest and isolate themselves. This is how the community was born. If your heart is looking for peace… you already know where to direct your steps.

    • monday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • tuesday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • wednesday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • thursday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • friday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • saturday
      9:00 - 17:00
    • sunday
      9:00 - 17:00
  • Juny, December, April, July, November, February, May, March, October, August, January, September
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Museum of Icons in Suprasl

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Windmill Jan

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