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New places in JustBy

Leto Gallery in Warsaw

Open today 12:00-18:00

Museum of Icons in Suprasl

Open today 9:00 - 16:00

Skit in Odrynki. Orthodox hermitage

Open today 9:00 - 17:00

Windmill Jan

Closed today

Monopol Gallery

Open today 12:00-19:00

BWA Warsaw

Closed today

The Artist’s House in Warsaw

Open today 10:30-18:00

A Small Dutch Inn

Open today 12:00-18:00
Discover magic places in your neighborhood

creative and craft workshops, regional museum, festivals, hidden architecture, local flavors, nature and educational paths

By the way, have a look

Skit in Odrynki. Orthodox hermitage

if your heart is looking for peace… direct your steps here

Open today 9:00 - 17:00

Windmill Jan

apparently one of the last windmills in the Sokółka Hills

Closed today
Collect experiences

Leto Gallery in Warsaw

a unique place on the map of contemporary art in Warsaw

Open today 12:00-18:00

Museum of Icons in Suprasl

metaphysical atmosphere when contemplating icons

Open today 9:00 - 16:00

Heritage park. The Farm of Rural Village in Pszczyna

apart from a nostalgic trip to a 19th century settlement, take advantage of a rich educational program, folk events and artistic workshops

Open today 09:00-19:00

Monopol Gallery

a private contemporary art gallery promoting Polish artists

Open today 12:00-19:00

BWA Warsaw

a place sensitive to values such as pacifism, ecology, feminism and civil rights

Closed today

The Artist’s House in Warsaw

current achievements in contemporary art, individual and collective exhibitions of outstanding Polish and international artists

Open today 10:30-18:00

GloBaltica. World Cultures Festival

multiculturalism integrated with the sounds of music from all over the world

Closed today
Enjoy yourself

A Small Dutch Inn

not only it’s a delicious place, but also a beautiful one.

Open today 12:00-18:00
The most popular

Leto Gallery in Warsaw

a unique place on the map of contemporary art in Warsaw

Open today 12:00-18:00

Museum of Icons in Suprasl

metaphysical atmosphere when contemplating icons

Open today 9:00 - 16:00

Heritage park. The Farm of Rural Village in Pszczyna

apart from a nostalgic trip to a 19th century settlement, take advantage of a rich educational program, folk events and artistic workshops

Open today 09:00-19:00

Skit in Odrynki. Orthodox hermitage

if your heart is looking for peace… direct your steps here

Open today 9:00 - 17:00

Windmill Jan

apparently one of the last windmills in the Sokółka Hills

Closed today

Monopol Gallery

a private contemporary art gallery promoting Polish artists

Open today 12:00-19:00

BWA Warsaw

a place sensitive to values such as pacifism, ecology, feminism and civil rights

Closed today

The Artist’s House in Warsaw

current achievements in contemporary art, individual and collective exhibitions of outstanding Polish and international artists

Open today 10:30-18:00

A Small Dutch Inn

not only it’s a delicious place, but also a beautiful one.

Open today 12:00-18:00

GloBaltica. World Cultures Festival

multiculturalism integrated with the sounds of music from all over the world

Closed today
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